
Trying Things Is Good.

Hello. This is my first blog. First ever. Not just on this site. Look at me. A child of the 90s and it's 2018 before I've done my first blog. There's laziness for you. Or perhaps I just didn't have anything to say. Bit like that bit in that Doors movie where Andy Warhol gives Val Kilmer that phone to God.


Anyway. I've decided to do this blog so I remember to do stuff with this website. No other bugger is going to, after all.  


I suppose the main reason for that is that I'm a bit bored with everything so doing more things. I'm adding to the stand up, improv and podcasting with some music and more guitar building. 


By all means check back and see if this was in the least bit worth it .


It's an experiment, if nothing else, eh? 



Edward French